Flying together
in V flight
The intention and the power of the Economy of Love is to fly as a society group like a group of wild geese; in V flight or goose flight. The formation is always small-scale. Every group participant feels commitment and clout. Everyone keeps track of the shared vision. It is an optimal collaboration with the use of everyone’s talent. It ensures that the group progresses better up to 70%, with a 50% energy reduction Freedom arises from this natural order, based on the universal laws. Thus peace, happiness, love and self-actualization are given time to manifest.

Flying together in V flight
The intention and the power of the Economy of Love is to fly as a society group like a group of wild geese; in V flight or goose flight The formation is always small-scale. Every group participant feels commitment and clout. Everyone keeps track of the shared vision. It is an optimal collaboration with the use of everyone’s talent. It ensures that the group progresses better up to 70%, with a 50% energy reduction Freedom arises from this natural order, based on the universal laws. Thus peace, happiness, love and self-actualization are given time to manifest.
Take off your mask
Each individual has a unique and authentic blueprint that matches their own life mission. Teaching aims to develop this authentic self, rather than teaching students to wear a mask. The right education ensures that each person’s talent fits seamlessly with what we have to do on earth. It places people in the right positions in society The economy of fear disappears with its false securities and egos. In its place, an economy from the heart will emerge, an economy that serves humanity.

Take off your mask
Each individual has a unique and authentic blueprint that matches their own life mission. Teaching aims to develop this authentic self, rather than teaching students to wear a mask. The right education ensures that each person’s talent fits seamlessly with what we have to do on earth. It places people in the right positions in society The economy of fear disappears with its false securities and egos. In its place, an economy from the heart will emerge, an economy that serves humanity.
Masculine & Feminine Energy
Feminine energy cannot exist without the masculine and vice versa. Today’s economy is male dominated Full of drive, expansionism, competition, consuming and unbridled growth. Fear rules instead of trust.
Every human being has male and female energy within New forms of connection between these energies are needed. By recalibrating the female energy within the four areas of the Economy of Love; education – health care – ecology – economy, the natural balance will be restored.

Masculine & Feminine Energy
Feminine energy cannot exist without the masculine and vice versa. Today’s economy is male dominated Full of drive, expansionism, competition, consuming and unbridled growth. Fear rules instead of trust.
Every human being has male and female energy within New forms of connection between these energies are needed. By recalibrating the female energy within the four areas of the Economy of Love; education – health care – ecology – economy, the natural balance will be restored.
The tilt

Tilting and transforming. Flying together towards a healthy and fair future. It can be done, it is possible. Everything is available. If we really want to move in the right direction together, an overarching vision is necessary. For ourselves, our children, for the animals and for nature. A vision that touches all of us in the heart and connects across generations and with young people who can ensure the tilt in the future. The solution lies in creating a holistic economy within a small-scale winged society.

The tilt

Tilting and transforming. Flying together towards a healthy and fair future. It can be done, it is possible. Everything is available. If we really want to move in the right direction together, an overarching vision is necessary. For ourselves, our children, for the animals and for nature. A vision that touches all of us in the heart and connects across generations and with young people who can ensure the tilt in the future. The solution lies in creating a holistic economy within a small-scale winged society.